With over 40 years expertise in the Castors Wheels and Material Handling business we pride ourselves in offering the highest quality products in stock and available when you need them.
But if you just can’t find what you want here’s how we at Ross Castors can help.
We are able to source globally and deliver locally and we pride ourselves in being able to deliver the right product for your application, whatever your needs (and we’ve had some strange requests!)
*If we don’t make it and have it in stock, we can find out who does, and with our excellent relationships with global suppliers and couriers we will arrange everything.
*Hassle free and headache free is our way of doing business.
*We have no ties to any one brand or manufacturer which means we can literally scour the globe to find what you need, at the best price and quickest lead time.
Case Study: A recent example from a shop fitting client was they wanted retro castors on all of their retail clothes rails across their UK stores. Unsatisfied with the options offered in the UK they came to us, as the experts, and we sourced an American product for them that fit their brief exactly. The vintage castors delivered against the durable but retro design they required.
Call our Global SourcingTeam on 0116 2764987 or e-mail [email protected]
Custom Design and Build
If you just can’t find what you want we can offer a custom design and manufacture service. From Barbie pink tube inserts to heavy duty keyway steel wheels, our design and manufacture team can meet your bespoke requirements.
Many of our Connect a Tube solutions are tailored for individual needs and working environments. If you can’t get a work bench to fit an awkward corner, then let’s design and make one for you.
For bespoke solutions contact our sales team for more information on [email protected]
Call our Custom Design and Build Team on 0116 2764987