When it comes to castors and trolley wheels for heavy duty applications, there is one type of wheel that can be relied on to do the job correctly: a pneumatic caster wheel. This type of wheel is generally made of rubber and attached to a metal hub. The inside of it is filled with foam or air, elements that assist in creating the right type of pressure to handle large loads and deflection characteristics.
When it comes to castors and trolley wheels for heavy duty applications, there is one type of wheel that can be relied on to do the job correctly: a pneumatic caster wheel. This type of wheel is generally made of rubber and attached to a metal hub. The inside of it is filled with foam or air, elements that assist in creating the right type of pressure to handle large loads and deflection characteristics.
Using this type of castor can be greatly beneficial in industrial applications, but there are also a few disadvantages the user should be aware of when choosing this castor over another.
Benefits of Pneumatic Castors
While pneumatic castors work well for many industrial applications, they are not necessarily the right choice for each one. These trolley wheels require the operator to exert more force in order to begin movement, due to the deflection of the tyre and the large area of the wheel. This may be problematic for individuals who do not have enough strength to exert this starting force.
The castor wheels also sometimes call for a longer swivel lead. In most cases, this simply requires a bit of forethought before you reach an area where turning is necessary. If, however, the application requires sudden and severe turns, this may not be the best castor for the job.
Are you looking for castors for your industrial application? For outdoor work and work that requires movement over rough or uneven terrain, one of the best and most popular choices is a pneumatic castor wheel. Keep the pros and cons in mind before you buy, however, and make sure it is the best caster for your particular application.