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Industrial Castors for Any Application

Industrial Castors for Any Application

It was an internationally famous 19th century industrialist who coined the phrase “put it on wheels in my factory, to keep it moving”. Today, although the times have changed, his credo to workplace productivity still holds true.

It was an internationally famous 19th century industrialist who coined the phrase “put it on wheels in my factory, to keep it moving”. Today, although the times have changed, his credo to workplace productivity still holds true. In fact as the direct result of numerous developments, industrial castors are now being used in an ever increasing number of applications.

Castors Debut on the Assembly Line

Henry Ford was the first person to incorporate a system for moving materials and products by way of castors. In fact it is he who is credited with developing the modern assembly line that is so commonly use today. He developed his castor system to answer the growing need for automobiles in a society that was on the brink of entering the new industrial age of the early 1900s.

From the outside looking in, the average person might tend to think that the sole reason for castors in an industrial setting is probably the same as in their home. That is to make it easier to move heavy and otherwise immobile items about. However; the truth be told, there are in fact many applications and reasons for the use of industrial castors.

Protecting Materials and Production

One of the first sensible applications of castors that comes to mind is protecting materials and stock from rough handling. Equipping staff with the right type of castors means that materials will be moved from place to place in a far safer fashion. A decrease in damaged goods is just one way that this equipment pays for itself over time.

Increase in Employee Productivity

It is certainly true that putting product, tools and materials on wheels and castors, means that it takes less time to move them from place to place. Additionally, ease of movement allows workers to keep up momentum in the workplace. Having to stop to manually move things about can leave your workers tired, less motivated and demoralized.

Adaptability and Flexibility

Fixed transport systems do have their place. However; in certain settings where flexibility is an asset, industrial castors can be the perfect solution. Flexibility means that materials handling solutions can be arrived at much quicker and they don't require a systems engineer or skilled mechanic. Instead, in many cases it's the workers themselves who are familiar with the problems that quickly provide the solutions.

Worker Health and Safety

Proper use of industrial castors means less risk of injuries due to heavy lifting. At the same time mobile platforms and carriages for moving materials means less risk of injury do to improperly stacked or stored materials or product. For employers looking for new ways to cut their risk and liability factor, castors can be put to use in several areas.

Maximize Storage and Work Space

Using castors to manage and store product, equipment and materials can only help to maximize the potential of a set amount of area. Older static systems that are outdated can be a drag on time, productivity, flexibility and in the end the bottom line. Castors allow for quick in and out access and speedy transport, which in turn translates into maximum use potential for a given work or storage area.