Offshore work on oil and gas platforms or ships laying deep sea cables can be harsh environments for any pieces of machinery, aswell as for the workforce operating them. Huge vessels laying underwater cables for electricity or communication, guide the cables from their stern, and these cables have traversed the deep sea bed on a global scale.
Offshore work on oil and gas platforms or ships laying deep sea cables can be harsh environments for any pieces of machinery, aswell as for the workforce operating them. Huge vessels laying underwater cables for electricity or communication, guide the cables from their stern, and these cables have traversed the deep sea bed on a global scale. Huge cranes and cradles on board these vessels, supported by heavy duty fabricated castors, ensure cables and submersible machinery is manoeuvred as required on deck and below on the sea bed.
The first transatlantic cable was a telegraph cable laid in 1857 between Europe and North America. Previously communication took over ten days by post and ship, and this new telegraph communication ensured the message took a matter of minutes. Today these telegraph cables have been replaced by transatlantic telecommunication cables. Recent modern communication cables have been fiber optic, which offers a fast efficient effective way of communicating. Fiber optic communication cables are either placed on the sea bed or dug in a shallow trench. Trenchers are submersible machines that facilitate this process. They may be manoeuvrable in water, however on deck these submersibles require heavy duty castors to ensure they are positioned correctly up on deck.
The preferred castors utilised in offshore environments are heavy duty fabricated castors. These heavyweight castors can take loads of one thousand seven hundred kilogram's each. Packing a heavy punch these fabricated castors can take huge loads and retain their ability to swivel, ensuring maximum flexibility. The fabricated housing offers core strength and protection against the elements, whilst the heavy duty polyurethane wheels ensure smooth movement of the submersibles or machinery. Submarine Trenchers not only lay cables but can also be utilised for maintenance and repair. Many submarine systems have buried cables almost all around the world and fiber optic communication may one day overtake the communication satellites in our skies. Ensuring these submarines are ready to do their work is the job of heavy duty fabricated castors.
Deep Sea oil platforms based offshore in the ocean have similar requirements for heavy duty castors that can withstand the extreme elements. In addition they often require the wheels of the castors to be anti static, rather than polyurethane. These anti static castors ensure that there is no build up of electrical charge, which could have dramatic consequences in a gas or oil field. Anti static castors house an electro conductive rubber wheel which absorbs the electric charge as the castors are moved around above or below deck. Preventing electro static build up and its consequential electric spark, is vital in these extreme environments surrounded by flammable liquids and gasses. Heavy duty castors whether fabricated or anti static castors, support the use of machinery and equipment in these harsh extreme off shore and deep sea environments. Without the support of these hard working castors our global electricity and communications would be affected and compromised. Would we be ready to wait ten days for a telephone message to reach its recipient?