Based in Lelystad, Netherlands is the metal processing company Niekamp Lelystad. Recently, Niekamp Lelystad were contacted by a representative of the Almere City soccer team and asked to build 8 movable tables for their business lounge.
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Based in Lelystad, Netherlands is the metal processing company Niekamp Lelystad. Recently, Niekamp Lelystad were contacted by a representative of the Almere City soccer team and asked to build 8 movable tables for their business lounge.
Almere City soccer team wanted the tables to be easily transportable so they can be used to dine inside then moved outside and used as a bar table to watch the game. Almere City soccer team created a cut-out in the middle of the table, where they mounted a stainless steel frame with a drain so that ice can be put in there for wine, champagne or whatever is desired.
Almere City soccer team specified they wanted vintage castors creating a heavy-duty industrial feel. Due to the tables been located within their business lounge, it was crucial the castors didn’t cause any damage to the floor. With all these factors in mind, Niekamp Lelystad had trouble locating the appropriate casters that fit this description locally. Niekamp Lelystad decided to expand their search and came across ourselves Ross Handling.
Whilst browsing our website Niekamp Lelystad noticed we provided a range of vintage castors which met their requirements. Shortly after finding ourselves Niekamp Lelystad showed their client our rubber tread vintage casters in which they loved the look and wanted to use them for the project.