Introducing the next in our meet the team series, the lovely Emily our latest member to join the Ross Castors team. Emily's role includes supporting the buying department and discovering new products. As the newest member, we thought it was only fair to pay her a visit and gain a better insight into Emily’s world.
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Introducing the next in our meet the team series, the lovely Emily our latest member to join the Ross Castors team. Emily's role includes supporting the buying department and discovering new products. As the newest member, we thought it was only fair to pay her a visit and gain a better insight into Emily’s world.
So Emily, how are you finding it so far at Ross Castors?
Great, everyone is so friendly and welcoming. I've settled in really quickly and am really enjoying the role and the challenges I'm faced with.
How would you describe yourself in three words?
Smiley, ambitious and friendly.
Where’s your favourite place in the world?
Definitely Florida, we went there on a family holiday when I was little and absolutely loved it! Would love to travel all around America if I could.
If you could be any animal, which would you be?
A Lion, no particular reason I just think they're cool.
What’s your favourite movie?
I am a BIG film lover but probably me before you.
What are some of your pet peeves?
I can't stand it when people go on their phones at a meal, it's just rude.
The best thing about the Ross Castors office?
It 100% would have to be the fact we have double screens without a doubt! Also, the fact we get to wear casual clothes makes it more relaxed.
Tell us something we don’t know?
I have double jointed elbows.