Introducing the next in our meet the team series, Natasha (or Tash, Tasha, Nat) our Accounts Manager. Natasha has been with us for just over a year and a half starting off as the Accounts Assistant and she’s already managed to work her way up! Known for being the quietest in the office and possibly the most camera-shy I don’t think Natasha was too pleased it was her turn to have the limelight on her!
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Introducing the next in our meet the team series, Natasha (or Tash, Tasha, Nat) our Accounts Manager. Natasha has been with us for just over a year and a half starting off as the Accounts Assistant and she’s already managed to work her way up! Known for being the quietest in the office and possibly the most camera shy I don’t think Natasha was too pleased it was her turn to have the limelight on her!
So Natasha, what would a typical day look like for you?
A typical day for me is everything you can imagine within an accounts role, checking the bank, loading invoices and any queries we may come across and I love it!
How has your career progressed during your time at Ross Handling?
My career has progressed massively, when I started at Ross in November 2017 I was an Accounts Assistant and then a year later I became Accounts Manager!
What’s your favourite aspect of accounts?
I love query solving when something doesn’t quite balance I love to find out what it is and solve it to the last penny… accounts geek I know!
Do you enjoy any hobbies outside of work?
I have recently started mountain biking which is good fun and very painful if you fall off as often as I do! I also love travelling whether it’s the UK or abroad, I love a good long weekend away! Also not forgetting taking my dog Bailey out for a good walk!
What’s your favourite movie?
I’m not a massive film fan but I love TV series, I am so behind but I have just started to watch Friends and I wish I had watched it sooner!
Who would you most like to swap places with for the day?
If I could swap places with anyone for the day it would have to be a Hollywood actress, no one in particular but just to be on a film set in LA would be so cool!
What did you want to grow up to be when you were a kid?
I can’t really remember what I wanted to when I was really young but when I left school I studied Beauty Therapy but it just wasn’t for me in the end.
Finally, what do you enjoy most about working for Ross Handling?
The best thing about working at Ross Handling is the office dogs that come in!